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Fostering Services Statement of Purpose


In November 2023, minor amendments were made in line with local practice.

November 3, 2023

This Statement has been produced in accordance with the Care Standards Act 2000, the Fostering Service Regulations 2011 and the National Minimum Standards for Fostering Services 2011.

Core fostering services are provided by a central Fostering Team. This team receives, assesses, commissions, co-ordinates, supports and reviews foster care placements for Children Looked After. The team also assesses supports and reviews family and friends carers. Short-break care for disabled children is organised through the Bolton Shared Care Service.

The aim of the service is to safeguard, support and promote the best interests of children, young people and their families through the provision of fostering services, which ensure stable, secure, safe and effective care for all children.

  • To ensure that children are securely attached to carers capable of providing safe and effective care for the duration of placements;
  • To provide a range of placements for children looked after, to meet their assessed needs;
  • To ensure, as far as possible, that all children with an assessed need for a family placement are placed in such provision, ideally within the local area;
  • To recruit sufficient foster carers to provide the range of placements, including specialist placements, such as for older children or those with special needs or from minority ethnic groups;
  • To ensure that children looked after in foster care gain maximum life chance benefits from educational opportunities, health care and social care;
  • To train foster carers and encourage them to develop their skills so as to constantly raise the quality of the service;
  • To offer continuing support to foster carers, including out of office hours;
  • To offer appropriate supervision to foster carers and placements;
  • To encourage carers to establish links, to network and work together, to learn from and offer support to each other;
  • To actively involve foster carers in planning and developing services;
  • To consult with Looked After Children / young people on the service provided;
  • To provide a short-break service to allow more and better family support to help disabled children and their families live ordinary lives;
  • To ensure through regulatory powers and duties that children are protected from harm and poor care standards;
  • To promote diversity and equality within the service;
  • To promote contact with a child's family and others that are important to the child;
  • To work to standards and regulations as laid down by the Department for Education and to comply with national and local health and safety guidance;
  • To seek to maximise looked after children's outcomes in all areas of their development.

The Fostering Team is a central specialist team. There is a smaller team for family/friends carers and also one for carers of disabled children (short/long term and short breaks) 'Shared Care'.

Qualified Social Workers from agencies are recruited to avoid gaps in service delivery when vacancies/sickness occurs.

The team is part of the Children's Resources section of Children's Services. This section also includes 'Bridges'-family support which provides a range of services for disabled children. These services are managed by the Head of Service (Placements and Resources). The service is responsible to the Assistant Director (Children's Social Care and Early Help) who is managed by the Director of Children's Services.

The Head of Service has an MA/DipSW in Social Work and has 18 years of Social Care experience. She also has post-qualifying awards such as PQ 2-6 and also Practice Educator Stage 2. She was appointed as Head of Service in 2015.

The Family and Friends Team currently comprises of one full-time permanent manager (37 hours) and 6.5 permanent posts, comprising of 5 full-time social workers and 3 part-time social workers. Additionally, to this the Family and Friends Fostering Team has 1 full-time support worker. 

The team manager is responsible for supervising all workers on the team. She has been qualified for 10 years, has a BA (Hons) in Social Work Studies and has also completed the full post-qualifying childcare award and obtained this in 2019. She has also completed her Leadership and Management Level 5.

There is also considerable experience within the Family and Friends Team. Six members of the team have completed their post-qualifying Consolidation of Professional Practice, (PQ1,). Five members of the team have completed their Postgraduate Certificate (PQ 2-6). One team member has a Post Graduate Certificate in Family Group Meetings. Two members of the team hold their Practice Educator Award in addition to this one member has their ILM 5 - Institute of Leadership Management. In addition, one members of the team also acts as Fostering Panel social work advisors for another Local Authority.

The Team Manager of the Fostering Service has been qualified for 34 years. She has also completed the full post-qualifying award in 2011. She has also completed Leadership and Management training.  The Deputy Team Manager of the Mainstream Fostering Team has recently commenced her role and has qualified in 2012, she also has the post-qualifying award in 2011. They have lengthy experience in social care. 

The Mainstream Fostering Team has 9.5 full-time equivalent qualified Social Workers. Some members of the teams are part-time. All Social Workers hold the professional qualification for Social Work.

The team also has one Support Worker, who does not hold the Social Work qualification, but has extensive experience of supporting carers of looked after children and running training for foster carers.

Bolton Shared Care is managed by two Team Managers (who share the role, both working part-time to fulfil the full-time role). One of the team managers is also a part-time Social Worker on the team. There are a further two  Social Workers, two Resource Workers and a part-time parent information officer in the Shared Care Team. The Team Managers are also responsible for family support and a broad range of services for disabled children called 'Bridges'.

The Team Managers have a degree and the qualification in Social Work and a management qualification in Health and Social Care and many years of experience with Bridges.

The social workers all hold the professional qualification in Social Work and have varied levels of experience. The two resource workers whilst not requiring the social worker professional qualification both have degrees.

All staff with a professional qualification in Social Work are required to be registered with the Health and Care Professionals Council.

Assessments of the Department's mainstream carers are carried out using evidenced based assessments and are subject to the recommendation for approval of the Fostering Panel.

Assessments of Family and Friends carers are completed using the Coram BAAF Form C template and are also subject to recommendation for approval of the Fostering Panel. Matching decisions for children under ten years old to long-term foster placements are considered at this Panel. The Panel also monitors the first annual reviews of all carers. The Panel makes recommendations to the Agency Decision-Maker, the Assistant Director (Children's Social Care and Early Help). This Panel also provides advice and guidance with regard to complex issues.

The make-up of the Panel includes a Councillor Member, a medical advisor, independent members, a foster carer from another borough and professionals from other agencies. The Fostering Panel also includes the Deputy Team Manager, fostering as Fostering Panel Advisor. The Fostering Panel can seek legal advice when necessary.

The Fostering Panel has an independent chair who has considerable and varied child care experience. The independent chair is a qualified social worker and a former Assistant Director of Children's Services.

Management and performance information including the Annual Report we shared with this panel.

Annual reviews of foster carers are carried out by a Fostering Review Panel, which has representation from a Team Manager from the Looked After Children Social Work Teams and an Independent Reviewing Officer, plus a Team Manager in the Fostering Team. The Fostering Review Panel also considers applications by foster carers to change their status. This could be to become enhanced foster carers, but also to become long term rather than short term foster carers for individual young people over ten years old already in placement.

The Review Panel is chaired by an Independent Chair and the Vice Chair of Panel, will deputise when needed.

Reviews of short break foster carers are carried out by a Shared Care Review Panel consisting of the Head of Service, Placements and Resources, Team Manager (Bolton Shared Care), a member of the PCT, a parent representative and an independent member. All first reviews of short break carers are forwarded to the Fostering Panel.

As the nature of the task changes, the role and function of these Panels are reviewed and amended as appropriate. This is an ongoing process. They also monitor situations where foster carers have had to be exempted due to taking more than three placements.

Placements are provided by foster carers who are recommended for approval by the Fostering Panel and agreed by the Agency Decision Maker. Standards of care are ensured by supervising social workers and children's social workers, using training, personal development, group and individual support and supervisory visits. A pro-forma for visits has been developed to ensure the necessary areas are covered and communication is maintained about expectations and developments. Carers are reviewed annually. Within this whole process emphasis is placed on Health and Safety using a checklist for potential hazards, and Safe Caring practice. All children placed have risk assessments.

A programme of recruitment is used to target the advertising and marketing work involved to ensure recruitment of carers. A Marketing and Recruitment Officer has been appointed in January 2020 to assist with recruitment of Foster Carers to the Fostering Service.

Prospective carers are expected to complete preparation training using the Fostering Network's 'Skills to Foster' training pack.

Applicants are assessed by social workers from the Fostering Team. The standard Bolton has adopted is that these assessments will be completed within six months of the preparation groups, unless the applicants' own circumstances, such as illness, require postponement.

Fostering Network evidence based assessments are completed for potential mainstream and enhanced carers. They are also required to produce a portfolio.

Family and Friends carers looking after children are assessed using a (specific child) assessment. For potential Family and Friends Carers, a viability form (Family Rights Group, Initial Family and Friends Care Assessment) is used for new assessments.

For immediate placements made under Regulation 24 of the Care Planning, Placement and Review (England) Regulations 2010, again the CoramBaaf Form C Reg 24 assessment is used and should be completed prior to placement. The full completed Form C assessment must then be presented to Panel within 16 weeks and in exceptional circumstances, an extension of 8 weeks is given taking this to 24 weeks.

All assessments are open and shared with applicants who are expected to attend Panel along with the children’s social worker. The Panel makes a recommendation to the Agency Decision Maker who makes the final decision regarding approval.

Reviews are carried out by a separate Fostering Review Panel, which includes independent representation. This Panel reports to the Fostering Panel. The Review Panel also determines the age range and gender of children to be placed, considers changes in number of children placed and exemptions. Carers are expected to attend their Review. Children's wishes, feelings and views on placements are fully considered through feedback questionnaires completed by children's social workers.

Procedures are in place to deal with de-registration, allowing carers a right to make representation about any recommendation to de-register them and attend any Panel convened to consider the recommendation with a right of appeal or referral to the Independent Review Mechanism. They have free access to an independent advice and mediation worker.

All foster carers (mainstream and family/friends) are paid a maintenance allowance for each child. The allowances are the recommended National Minimum allowances.

Mainstream carers are paid a fee in addition to the maintenance allowances. They are assessed using the competencies framework and are required to participate fully in preparation groups, core training and other training identified as part of their development. They are also required to complete the TSD Workbook for mainstream carers. The fees are different for under-elevens and over elevens carers.

Enhanced carers who look after challenging teenagers and children with disability with a high level of personal care needs are paid a higher fee in recognition of the skills and knowledge required. It is expected that there will only be one child in placement unless another child can be carefully matched. At least one carer is expected not to work to undertake the fostering task.

Additional payments are made to all carers (including family/friends) for looked after children for Christmas, festivals, birthdays and holidays. A schedule of allowances/payments is available to foster carers.

There is also a range of discretionary payments that can be paid based on assessment of individual children's and carers' needs.

Family and Friends carers can apply to become mainstream carers. This would require a different assessment (as not child-specific) based on competencies and to the same standards as mainstream carers. They are also required to attend preparation groups and to complete ongoing training and development opportunities. The assessment would then need to be presented to the Fostering Panel and recommendations agreed by the Agency Decision Maker.

Enhanced carers have a detailed job description/expectations document which details the type of placements they will take and the high expectations in terms of personal circumstances, training and development.

The Fostering Service provides a central duty service to all social workers so that one phone call is all that is required to access services and arrange an appropriate placement as needed. This service operates during office hours and seeks to make the most appropriate placements.

The Emergency Duty Team are provided with a list of foster carers able to take emergency placements out of office hours.

Information regarding becoming a Foster Carer for Bolton is available on the internet, including on line application process and a phone number for further information or queries relating to becoming a Foster Carer.

All Fostering Team Social Workers undertake assessment of potential carers, support and supervise foster carers, undertake reviews of carers. Full time equivalent social workers work specifically with Family and Friends carers.

There are seven support groups. Three support groups separated into three age bandings, meet regularly to support carers. There is also a support group for family and friend carers. There is a support group for children of foster carers and a group specifically for Asian carers. There is also a support group for male carers.

The Fostering Team has two (FTE) Support Workers who provide practical and emotional support to all carers as required.

All carers have access to members of the Fostering Service outside office hours via a Careline number.

Carers also have a "buddy" (an experienced foster carer) who contacts them on a regular basis to offer support and makes more regular contact with new carers or carers experiencing difficulties in placement.

There is a fostering handbook, which outlines services, support to and expectations of foster carers, available to all carers.

There is a separate handbook/manual specifically designed for family/friends carers providing essential information.

A forum for foster carers has been set up to encourage dialogue between foster carers and fostering Service Managers.

There is also a regular management drop-in session where carers can raise any concerns/ideas.

Foster carers have been members of two Scrutiny Panels, in relation to Fostering Services and also Corporate Parenting.

Bolton has significant ethnic minority groups and the Fostering Team has developed a group of Asian foster carers who are able to offer a range of placements to match children's ethnic, language and cultural needs.

Bolton Shared Care aims to provide a flexible short break care service to disabled children and their families in Bolton. To be eligible for support from the scheme a child may have a physical, intellectual or sensory impairment and need significantly more care and support than a typical child of his/her age as evidenced by receipt of DLA at the middle or higher rate. The service works with children and young people up to the age of 19.

Support is offered through carers who have been vetted and approved as Short break Foster Carers, Sitters and Befrienders who offer children care on a planned basis over a number of months or years.

Short break foster carers may be couples or single people, with or without children of their own who have been approved by Bolton's Fostering Panel. The time they offer an individual child may vary from a few hours to four weeks at any one stay, up to a maximum of 120 overnight stays a year.

Short break foster carers are recruited and supported to offer children a positive experience of being cared for away from home. The ethos of the scheme is to enable children to enjoy their time with carers, not add to them being disabled. The cultural, religious and racial background of the child is taken into account when looking for a match, as is the suitability of the home environment of the potential Link Family.

The ultimate choice of Short Break Foster Carer rests with the child's family. They will not be persuaded to use someone whom they regard as unsuitable or unable to meet their child's needs. The child's view will always be sought in whatever way possible, and be of the utmost importance in deciding the suitability of a placement.

After a successful introductory period it is expected that the child's family will make their own day-to-day arrangements for short break care within an agreed framework, which the child's social worker will record as part of a care plan.

Each Link Family is reviewed annually to ensure their continuing suitability for the task.

Bolton Shared Care also provides the supervising social worker for a small number of full-time placements for disabled children where it has been agreed that the service can offer the most appropriate support.

Communication and co-ordination between the Fostering Team and Bolton Shared Care is achieved through joint training opportunities for foster carers, including short break foster carers, joint training opportunities for staff, liaison between supervising social workers on specific issues and where foster carers offer a service to both teams, and quarterly meetings between the managers. There is a shared recording system via the Liquid Logic programme.

Foster carers are expected to participate in relevant training and learning opportunities. These will be organised in such a way (e.g. evenings, weekends, crèche availability) to facilitate attendance.

New potential carers will have received six sessions involving preparation/assessment materials as part of the pre-approval stage.

Once approved, carers will require essential training/development. During the first two years following approval all carers will be expected to undertake the following core skills courses:

  • Care planning and carers' role;
  • Attachment/identity;
  • Managing behaviour;
  • Caring for a child who has been sexually abused and safe caring;
  • Educational needs of looked after children;
  • Health needs of looked after children;
  • First aid.

There are also a number of other relevant training courses available. Each year the Fostering Team will identify relevant training / development opportunities with carers and complete a Personal Development Plan. More specialised training courses are available including 'Fostering Changes'. Carers are also encouraged to attend multi-disciplinary training including access to Safeguarding training.

Mainstream and enhanced carers can receive a training and development payment decided at their annual review. This depends on evidence that they have undertaken training and personal development as required and show evidence of this learning in their role as carers and in their Personal Development Plan which is considered as part of their annual review.

All carers are required to complete the TSD Workbook. There is a specific workbook designed for family/friends carers. Family and Friends carers can access any of the training provided for mainstream foster carers if they wish to do so and this is encouraged by their supervising social workers.

The Fostering Service aims to ensure that children and young people live in an environment which promotes equality, valuing and respecting their individuality and diversity. This applies to their needs in terms of gender, religion, ethnic origin, culture disability and sexuality.

The Fostering Service places children with carers of matching social and cultural heritage wherever possible. Where it is not immediately possible efforts continue to identify an appropriate placement as soon as possible, unless there are reasons why a child should remain in a transcultural placement.

The Fostering Service has a significant number of Asian carers and other carers from minority ethnic groups. One of the social workers in the service is appointed to specifically work with this group of carers.

The team also has a very good representation from different ethnic groups.

Training is organised for Asian carers in their own language and English. There is also a support group for the carers.

Bolton Shared Care has an Asian Resource Worker who specifically works with Asian children and their families and offers cultural awareness training to the service.

The Fostering Service provides services for children with complex health needs, including equipment and adaptations, which enables them to access a wide range of activities as possible to maximise their potential.

The Fostering Service provides specific training for carers and staff which promote their ability to enhance a child's confidence and identity and their feeling of self-worth.

The Fostering Service will fully consider the contact needs of a child/young person in determining contact arrangements.

All foster carers will have information available to children/young people in relation to their circumstances and rights, including how to complain. It is important that children/young people are encouraged to read and refer to this guidance and to know their rights.

Bolton Children's Services has a partnership with Action for Children which makes available a Children's Rights and Advocacy Service. This service's telephone number is 01204 546 087 or 07872 675 872. If children/young people require an advocate, external support or want guidance on their rights, this service is available to them.

A Children's Guide is available for all looked after children and foster carers who are encouraged to promote children using these materials. This guide was prepared by a group of looked after children supported by the Children's Rights Service.

The Council has a Corporate Parenting Executive which meets regularly. There is a Voice 4 U group which advocates for looked after children.

A panel of looked after young people are involved in the recruitment of staff to the Fostering Team.

The Fostering Service works within the Council’s Safeguarding procedures ’The Framework for Action’.

Allegations of abuse against Foster Carers are investigated in accordance with these procedures.

The Department has a Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) who takes a lead in ensuring allegations of professional abuse are fully investigated.

Bolton aims to create improvement across the five outcome areas and works in partnership with many other agencies as necessary, including voluntary agencies such as the Lads and Girls Club to achieve this. A specialist mentoring scheme for all looked after children is available through this agency.

Each child or young person looked after has a Personal Education Plan that is reviewed with the Care Plan. The Department has a specialist team for looked after children which includes, PEP/Pupil Premium, Learning Mentors and an Educational Psychologist.

Looked after children have access to personal education allowances to assist with their education. This is accessed through a Gateway and Permanency Panel, which meets on a regular basis. Laptops, extra tuition, funding for extra-curricular activities are supported through this funding and also pupil premiums.

The Department has an Emotional Health Worker dedicated to the needs of looked after children based with the Fostering Team. He offers consultation to carers and direct work. When needed, CYPMHS can be accessed via this service rather than through other routes to ensure a speedy response. CYPMHS can be accessed otherwise through normal referral procedures to ensure services are offered to children.

Carers have been supported in completing the Strengths and Difficulties questionnaires to help ensure appropriate referrals to CYPMHS.

The Youth Offending Team offers support to carers and children who may be at risk of offending and also children whose behaviour could lead to placement or school breakdown because of aggressive or violent behaviour. This service centres on the principle of restorative justice.

Bolton also has a young people's health centre "The Parallel" a young people's substance misuse service "360", which offer more specialised support to looked after children if necessary and a Complex Safeguarding Team which supports young people at risk of sexual exploitation.

The Authority has a Corporate Parenting Officer to drive the Corporate Parenting Agenda across Departments. This has led to improvements in service across a wide area, including:

  • Free access to leisure centres for carers and children;
  • The development of work placements and apprenticeships for school leavers;
  • Positive Chances.

Children/young people have information through the Children's Guide which provides clear guidance on their right to complain.

Children/young people have the right to see an independent advocate (through Action for Children) to support them in making a complaint.

Allegations in relation to the care provided by foster carers are investigated in accordance with safeguarding procedures in relation to professional abuse.

An independent mediation worker has been commissioned (together with other LA's) and is available to support carers when allegations have been made.

The Department has a full and comprehensive complaints procedure compliant with the Children Act (1989) and Complaints Procedure Directions (1990).

Complaints may be made by any member of the public dissatisfied with the service they receive. The objectives of the Department's procedures are to give service users the opportunity to be heard, offered reconciliation and have their complaint dealt with in a more formal way.

The stages of the Procedure are:

  • Informally to provide reconciliation as soon as staff and managers are aware of dissatisfaction;
  • Stage 1, (Informal resolution) to have the complaint dealt with by the relevant manager;
  • Stage 2, (Appeal) if Stage 1 does not resolve the issue, an independent person may be appointed to review the complaint and action taken, investigate the complaint and make recommendations to the Department;
  • Stage 3, (Review Panel) if Stage 2 does not provide resolution, for the complaint to be heard before a Panel independently chaired with other members from the Authority and with Councillor representation. The Panel makes its recommendations to the Director.

Complainants may take their case to the Ombudsman if they continue to be aggrieved, and are so informed.

All complaints from Stage 1 to 3 are overseen and the process managed by the Quality Assurance Section of the Department.

Complaints may be made to the managers of the Fostering Service or the Quality Assurance Officer at:

Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council
Department of People Services
Bolton Town Hall
Tel: 01204 332 007

Complainants also of course have the right to make their complaint direct to their local councillor. Their contact details can be obtained from:

Members' Secretariat
Town Hall
Tel: 01204 331 098

There is regular monitoring of performance in relation to looked after children.

This information is cascaded to staff and fully considered at management forums.

An Annual Report is also completed.

Monitoring of the quality of work is achieved through supervision, file audits, reviews the work undertaken by panels and management forums.

This is carried out by:

OFSTED (Social Care)
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
Tel: 0300 123 1231

Last Updated: December 12, 2023
