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June 2024

Exemptions and Extensions/Variations to Foster Carer Approval

In June 2024, this chapter was updated in line with local practice.

Supporting the Education and Promoting the Achievement of Children with a Social Worker, Looked After and Previously Looked After Children

In June 2024, this chapter was updated throughout.

Health and Safety

In June 2024, additional information was added about online safety.

Special Guardianship Orders

This chapter was updated in June 2024. Information that the relevant local authority should be notified if the child was previously a looked after child was added into Section 14, Special Guardian Duty on the Death of the Child.

Placements in Other Arrangements

In June 2024, this chapter was updated.

Placements in Residential Care

In June 2024, this chapter was updated.

Notification of Significant Events

In June 2024, this chapter was updated in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children, to note that notifications should also be made of the death of a care leaver up to and including the age of 24. 

Quality Assurance Framework

This chapter was updated in June 2024.

Staying Put

This chapter was updated in June 2024 to note that if a young person in a Staying Put arrangement dies up to and including the age of 24, notifications should be made in accordance with the procedure on Death or Serious Injury to a Child (Looked After, Child in Need or Care Leaver Up to and Including the Age of 24).

Ofsted Inspection Framework

Additional links were added in June 2024.

Children's Services Policies, Values and Principles

In June 2024, this chapter was revised in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children.

Death or Serious Injury to a Child (Looked After, Child in Need or Care Leaver Up to and Including the Age of 24)

In June 2024, this chapter was updated in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children. A new Section 3, Death of a Care Leaver Up to and Including the Age of 24 was also added.

Care and Supervision Proceedings and the Public Law Outline

In June 2024, information in relation to family group decision-making was added in Section 1, Introduction and Time Limits and Section 5, Pre-Proceedings. 

Placements in Secure Accommodation on Welfare Grounds and Secure Accommodation (Criteria) Reviews

Section 11, Use of Inherent Jurisdiction to Authorise a Placement Involving a Deprivation of Liberty was updated throughout in June 2024 in line with Revised Practice Guidance on the Court’s Approach to Unregistered Placements (October 2023) and Revised National Listing Protocol for Applications that Seek Deprivation of Liberty Orders Relating to Children under the Inherent Jurisdiction.

Early Help and Framework for Action for all Children, Young People and Families in Bolton

In June 2024, this chapter was updated in line with local practice.

Children's Consultation and Participation

In June 2024, this chapter was updated in line with local practice.

Aftercare under Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983

Section 2, Ordinary Residence was updated in June 2024 in line with case law.

Young Carers

This chapter was refreshed in June 2024.

Use of Social Media Sites by Social Care and Safeguarding Staff

In June 2024, this chapter was updated in line with local practice.


November 2023

Appointment and Role of Independent Reviewing Officers

In November 2023, slight amendments were made.

Adoption Support

This chapter was refreshed in November 2023 in line with local practice.

Care and Supervision Proceedings and the Public Law Outline

In November 2023, information was added into Section 4, Care Orders and Supervisions Orders on a Care Plan of the Child Remaining at Home in relation to Supervision Orders, in line with Public Law Working Group (PLWG) Recommendations to Achieve Best Practice in the Child Protection and Family Justice Systems: Supervision Orders.

Access to Records/Subject Access Requests

In November 2023, additional information was added into the Related Guidance section.

Families with No Recourse to Public Funds

Section 5.2.5, Providing Support was updated in November 2023 to reflect the Home Office increase in financial support to individuals waiting to find out if they will be given asylum in the UK.

Placing and Visiting Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or Health Conditions in Long-Term Residential Settings

In November 2023, this chapter was updated to include information from the UK Social Work Practice in Safeguarding Disabled Children and Young People report.

Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation

In November 2023, this chapter was amended to include information from Annex to MOJ Circular 2022/03: Additional Information on Remand to Local Authority Accommodation (RLAA).

Placements in Other Arrangements

In November 2023, this chapter was updated throughout in line with the Supported Accommodation (England) Regulations 2023.

Capacity and Consent

In November 2023, amendments were made to reflect case-law in relation to assessing legal capacity.

Decision to Look After

Section 3, Section 20 Accommodation was updated in November 2023 in line with case-law.

Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

This chapter was updated in November 2023 to include information from Guidance: Area SEND Inspections Framework and Handbook. Information in relation to legal aid for foster carers and prospective adoptive parents in First Tier Tribunal appeals was added into Section 15, Resolving Disagreements.

Allegations Against Prospective Adopters and in Relation to Children Placed for Adoption or Already Adopted

In November 2023, this chapter was amended in line with revised Keeping Children Safe in Education. A new Section 2, The Difference Between an Allegation of Harm and a Concern was also added.

Transfer of Cases Protocol

In November 2023, this chapter was updated in line with local practice.

Section 47 Enquiries

In November 2023, minor amendments were made in line with local practice.

Initial Contacts and Referrals

This chapter was updated in November 2023. Minor amendments were made throughout in line with local practice.

Statutory Complaints and Representation Procedures

In November 2023, this chapter was updated throughout.

Legal Gateway Panel

In November 2023, this chapter was updated throughout.

Early Permanence: Fostering for Adoption/Concurrency

In November 2023, this chapter was refreshed and a link was added to 'National Early Permanence Practice Standards (Coram Centre for Early Permanence)'. 

Joint Protocol for Children and Young People Missing from Home and Care

In November 2023, the link to Children Looked After, Missing from Care Protocol was updated.

Allegations Against Foster Carers

In November 2023, this chapter was amended in line with revised Keeping Children Safe in Education. A new Section 2, The Difference Between an Allegation of Harm and a Concern was also added.

Children Missing from Education Policy and Procedure (Department of People)

In November 2023, this chapter was updated throughout.

Local Contacts

In November 2023, these details were updated:

  • Children with Disabilities Team;
  • Short Break Team and Family Support;
  • Virtual School;
  • Complex Safeguarding and Youth Justice.

Health and Safety

In November 2023, information in relation to allergies was added into Section 6 Diet, Nutrition and Allergies.

Protocol for Working with Young People (16 and17-year-olds) Presenting as Homeless

In November 2023, this chapter was updated throughout.

List of Agency Decision Makers, Designated Managers and Nominated Officers

These details were revised in November 2023.

Children Looked After, Missing from Care Protocol

In November 2023, this chapter was updated throughout.

Adoption Panel

In November 2023, minor amendments were made throughout in line with local practice.

Special Guardianship Orders

This chapter was updated in November 2023. Information in relation to timing of assessments was added into Section 7, Special Guardianship Applications in Care Proceedings.

Complex Safeguarding Operational Guidance

This chapter was added to the procedures manual in November 2023.

Recruitment, Assessment and Approval of Prospective Adopters

In November 2023, minor amendments were made throughout in line with local practice.

Fostering Services Statement of Purpose

In November 2023, minor amendments were made in line with local practice.

Ofsted Inspection Framework

This chapter was added to the procedures manual in November 2023.

Completing a Chronology

The link to Appendix 1: Creating Chronologies with Liquid Logic was updated in November 2023.

Permanence for Children

In November 2023, minor amendments were made in line with local practice.

Providing Personalised Care

In November 2023, additional information was added into Further Information.

Application for Emergency Protection Orders

In November 2023, minor amendments were made in line with local terminology.

Leaving Care Service

This chapter was revised in November 2023 to include information from the revised Ofsted inspection framework.